Plant Out Loud
Plant Out Loud
Urban Foraging: "Weeds" for Wellness
Liz Neves is an herbalist, reiki and healing drum practitioner, dream guide, meditation instructor, and mama living and teaching in Brooklyn. She’s the founder of Gathering Ground and author of Northeast Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 111 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness (Timber Press).
We have a wide-ranging conversation and talk about how to teach children about plants, three easy-to-identify wild plants, how to celebrate summer solstice, why non-native plants can be just as valuable as native plants, how to communicate with plants, and more.
The links!
Gathering Ground
Liz's teaching program, Infuse
More about plantain http://www.gatheringground.nyc/new-blog-1/2018/3/27/plantain-natures-first-aid-kit
More about dandelion http://www.gatheringground.nyc/new-blog-1/2018/3/21/dandelion
More about linden https://www.eclecticschoolofherbalmedicine.com/linden/
More about knotweed https://www.gaiaherbs.com/blogs/herbs/japanese-knotweed
More about making a flower essence https://theherbalacademy.com/homemade-flower-essence/
Liz’s book: https://bookshop.org/books/northeast-medicinal-plants-identify-harvest-and-use-111-wild-herbs-for-health-and-wellness/9781604699135?aid=25027&listref=books-from-the-plant-out-loud-podcast
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