Plant Out Loud

Vegetable Cooking: Using the Whole Plant and More

Kristin Donnelly Season 1 Episode 2

With Chef Jamie Simpson of the Culinary Vegetable Institute

How do you make the best vegetable stock you’ve ever tried? Is vegan demiglace even possible? What the heck do you do with all of those carrot tops? Chef Jamie Simpson answers all these questions and more.

Jamie is the Executive Chef at the Culinary Vegetable Institute, the educational, research, and event facility at The Chef’s Garden. Jamie and I worked closely together for three+ years on the book The Chef’s Garden: A Modern Guide to Common and Unusual Vegetables.

In my opinion, he has one of the best jobs in the food biz—his job is to constantly inspire people with new ways to look at vegetables. With the book about to be out in the world, we sat down and had a couple of conversations about how he approaches his job and some of the most notable recipes.

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